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Business data driven dynamic flowRules in Sentinel
Native dynamic datasource supported by Sentinel
In fact, Sentinel already build-in support dynamic datasource 👇
Sentinel official suggested that the dynamic rules pushed by sentinel-datasource rather than sentinel-client,
like the following 👇
Howeve my demand is making the flowRules change according to the business data rather than my operation on the sentinel-dashboard.
Transform the interaction between systems
So we need transform the interaction between sentinel-client, etcd server and sentinet-dashboard, like the following
(i used the etcd as the dynamic datasource)👇
Besides the common steps between offical suggested and my practice, we should takes one more step: add a listener to the business data(a collection named ‘Sla’ that stored in MongoDB) what builds new flowRules from the new business data and pushs to etcd server positively. Sentinel-etcd-datasource will automatically does the rest things.
The bug of sentinel
I found a bug when i used sentinel-etcd-datasource, and i committed a pull request which is already merged into the
master branch and will be released in about v2.0.0👇
171 Words
2022-12-12 13:58