Java version : OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-11.0.17+8 (build 11.0.17+8)

Go version : go1.19.4



The conclusion given at the first: Java take “extends” while Go takes combination to implements abstrct.

Interface Implement

Java will explicitly declares implement relation by useing “implement” syntax. As a comparison, Go makes a rule that the “struct” will automatically implements a interface as long as it implements all of the interface’s methods. For instance, if we want “Student”(class) implements “Eatable”(interface), we could do as following👇:

public interface Eatable {
    void before();

    void eating();

    void after();

public class Student implements Eatable {
    public void before() {
        // ......

    public void eating() {
        // ......

    public void after() {
        // ......

While we do in the Go as the following👇:

type Eatable interface {

type Person struct{}

func (Person) Before() {
	// ......

func (Person) Eating() {
	// ......

func (Person) After() {
	// ......

Extend or composite

Having ability to reuse code section is The key different between script language and the seriously programming language, while there are two solutions called extend and composite.

Still take Java and Go as an example, Java usually takes extend while Go takes composite.

For instance, we would like to make “Man” reuse the ability of “Person”, this is the version of Java👇:

public class Person {
    public void breath() {
        // ......

public class Man extends Person {

this is the version of Go👇:

type Person struct {

func (p *Person) breath() {
	// ......

type Man struct {
	P Person

As unsupport multiple extend, if you want to reuse more than one class, you can only use multi-layer extend or make the super classes being fields of subclass while the former decrease the readability and the latter can’t indicates the correct relationship of super classes and subclass.

The shortcoming of Go’s abstraction

It must be admitted that it’s very simplified of implementing interfaces in Go. But at the opposite, it will be more and more difficult to figure out how much and which interfaces does a type implements when the project becoming huger and huger.

Maybe that’s one of the reasons why employers, even like tiktok and bilibili who takes Go as their main development language, takes Java rather than Go as the main language to develop big project with very complex business logic such as online trading system.


As Java is a strongfied OOD language, The function in Java needs defining a class(the definition of object) first of all as it is decoupled with object(the instance of struct) in Go.

Defining methods for object is also supported in Go, just like:

func main() {
    var lion = Lion{}"meat")

type Lion struct {

func (lion Lion) eat(food string) {

Go is obviously more flexible than Java in many ways.